Friday, March 25, 2011

Iowa Visit

Just found this pic on my sister's blog and I had to post it. It should be at the end to recap the weekend but regardless it's so cute and really shows how much fun they have together!

Here we are at DIA awaiting our flight to IA. Myles ran around a lot which was all I could hope for so that he'd burn off some energy. He did pretty well on the flight but it was trying at times. Cam was certainly content watching a Star Wars movie.
Here's my newest nephew, Jake! Such a cutie and all smiles. It was great to finally meet him in person.
Look at this multi-tasking! Sarah is bouncing Jake to get him to sleep while talking on the phone and having a sword fight with Drew. What woman!
Myles had to get in on the sword fight action. All of his lightsaber training with Cam has paid off!
This was their pirate ship. Drew was so cute in trying to get Myles to play with him but not quite understanding why Myles didn't always get it!
Alas, they quickly switch from swords to lightsabers. If only the pirates really had lightsabers!
Myles and Cam were certainly enamored with their new cousin. Cam is quick to say that Jake "is the cutest baby"!
And Myles was very intent on giving him his pacifier. Wasn't long ago that Sandy and Anders visited us in CO that Anders was intent on giving Myles his pacifier! Being around Jake sure made Myles seem big!
As you can imagine, there was lots of noise going on with all those boys running around. Here's Drew in action with a kazoo.
Captain Myles
Anders and Sandy arrived the day after we did. It was exciting to add another nephew to the mix! Anders is very into music these days, especially Johnny Cash. Here he is in action.
That Anders just cracks me up!
Anders was quite obsessed with this guitar given his music interest. He was quite entertaining.
Anders and Myles shared the train. Myles is really into trains lately and repeats "uh-oh" if it stops or derails, etc.
We all enjoyed some pajama time that morning. I think we were all a little sleep deprived. Myles didn't sleep well at all while we were there and I had to bring him into the bed with me which meant I didn't sleep well either. The 3 oldest boys, Zach, Cam and Drew, shared a room and actually did better than I expected. They were pretty wiped out by the end of the day.

This isn't the best picture of Anders, Drew and Jake but I still had to post it.
This one cracks me up because of their expressions! They were watching some movie for some downtime one afternoon.
Here I am reading to 4 of the 6 boys one night. It was fun spending time with all of them.
Uncle Mike returned from CA to join the madness! Here Myles checks out Jake some more.
Hmmm, not sure how the pictures got like this but oh well. Jake doing some tummy time....Anders and Myles playing a duet...and Drew making his wish for his early celebration of his 3rd birthday with candles in blueberry coffee cake.

How hilarious is this picture?! Anders looks possessed!
Anders is all suited up to fix something. His dad would be very proud of all the tools on his tool belt.
Spending a little more time with Jake on our last day.
Zach and Cam go for a ride. It was interesting that Cam didn't want to try driving. He just kept wanting Zach to drive. Unfortunately the battery died quickly and I ended up pushing them back to Sarah's house.
It was a fun, albeit exhausting trip! It's always great to see my sisters and very fun to have all our boys together. Zach and Cam are such awesome friends. They played Star Wars a good chunk of the time there. And they tried to pull a fast one on us! We brought Cam's X-wing fighter with us which Zach played with while Cam played with Zach's star-ship fighter. They asked about taking each other's ships home--making a swap for a while--but Sarah and I put the stop to that....or so we thought. The day of our departure Cam told me his suitcase was all set to go. Later I ended up checking it only to find Zach's ship in there and Cam's no where to be found! After Sarah and I searched around for it I asked Cam and he fessed up that his was hiding behind the tv. So we swapped them back!

Here is a nice duet from Anders and Myles!


Goldenzinns said...

love all the photos and the video. when they are a bit older and all out of diapers perhaps Grandma Ruth can have a week with them all at grandmas house. Grandpa can be here too

Sarah said...

It's fun to see the pictures you got while you were here. I especially love the possessed Anders one- I died laughing at that one. Good pics and video on this post and the February one!